Are your feet hurting?

Have your feet been aching? Feeling sore when you run or jump? I know exactly how you feel. I've been there before, and it's no fun! Wearing uncomfortable shoes will not motivate you to exercise! I hear people complain about their feet hurting all the time! I can tell you from experience, that training with discomfort is no fun. I actually had to learn the hard way. It took one injury and a boot, for me to switch out my shoes. And in the end, I realized how important it was to make sure I wore the right shoe, and not go beyond the "wear expiration date." If you brought your shoes from March into the new year, and you've done some damage to them...guess what? THROW THEM AWAY! I have 3 ways (plus a bonus) for you to find comfort in your training shoes! 

1) Learn your foot

A lot of people just go in the store and buy any shoe they think will work. Yes, I know style and color attracts the eye (it get's me too!), and that's generally what we go for. But it takes more than a hot and vibrant shoe, to understand which shoe is best for us. The wet test is a perfect way to help us learn our foot type. This simple, yet interesting test will let you know if you have a low, high, or neutral arch, and what you should look for when you shop. Click the link, to take the test!

2) This type vs. That type

Now you may think it's okay to wear one type of shoe for running, walking, and cross-training. But there is a difference. You want to make sure you're not choosing the wrong shoe for your workout. For example, if you're a walker, choose a shoe that is stiff and can handle great impact (especially outdoor walking). If you're a runner, running shoes are generally comfortable and flexible, and have extra cushion to handle greater impact. Running shoes should not be worn during weightlifting, or classes that involve lateral movement (i.e. side shuffles). They are created solely for straight running. But, if you are looking for a shoe with versatility, you should go for a cross-training shoe. They are great for stability, durability, and comfort for any activity. And remember, there's no need to break a shoe in. If the shoe is not comfortable when you try it on, it's not the right one!

3) The mileage is up!

Just like a car, our training shoes have a mileage meter too! A good rule to start with is after 300-500 miles on the shoe, or if the wear and tear is noticeable, time for a new pair!  If you only have one pair of training shoes that you wear every time you exercise, you have to make sure you do not go pass the "wear expiration date." We want to make sure that if we're active at least 4-5 days week, that we replace our shoes every 6 months. If we're not as active (less than 3 days), we can wait 8-12 months before replacing.

*Try this exercise: Go into your closet, and pull out all of you're training shoes. Examine the wear and tear, and look at the condition of the sole. If you see a problem with the shoe, it may be time to replace. A helpful tip to keep shoes in good condition, is to have at least 3 pair you can rotate. Rotating shoes can keep your shoes in better condition, than wearing just one pair*


Let your feet breath! When you're done with your workout, bring a pair of slides to switch out, to allow your feet to breath and recover. Avoid leaving the gym, and heading to run errands in your training shoe! Take them OFF!! Your feet will thank you later, and you will feel so much better! And treat yourself to a pedicure every once in a while!

Don't just shop for style,

shop for comfort!