5 keys to get back on track, for the fall and winter months!


We’re almost in the fourth quarter of the year, and around this time, I usually try to prepare my mind and body for the cooler months. It’s natural for people to go hard in the spring and summer, and scale back in the cooler months. We tend to see setbacks in the fall and winter months, due to the weather and holidays! Studies show that weight gain occurs more in the winter time, than most seasons, due to people staying in more from the weather (too cold!), and holiday meals (lots of stuffing!). For the most part, we tend to eat more between October and December, and exercise less. BUT, that does not mean that you have to be apart of this equation!

Grab a key below and unlock the door to your fall and winter success!

1st Key Alert - Goal Realignment: Do your goals align with how you want your fall and winter to start and finish?

Around this time, you’ve probably crushed your goals already, or you’re realigning your goals, to make sure you stay on track for the end of the year. If you’ve met your fit goals, do you plan to set new goals for the next 3 months?

If you plan to be successful during this particular season, make sure when you set your goals, you consider everything that takes place during this time. You have holidays, fall festivals, state fairs, carnivals, and so much more. It’s okay to enjoy all of these things, but set realistic goals for yourself. For me, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! A typical turkey day in Bre’s world is family, food, more food, nap, and more family! So I really have to set goals, so I do not overindulge! It can be hard out hear for a pimp. Think about it, during Thanksgiving, you generally gather with family and friends, and you eat most of the day!

Goal example: “During the week of Thanksgiving, I will exercise for at least 45 minutes, each day; On Thanksgiving day, I will drink plenty of water throughout the day, and make sure the meals I consume, align with my normal eating habits, which include balanced meals!”

Just because it’s there, does not mean you have to eat it all! Set boundaries for yourself!


2nd Key Alert- Check in with your support group or accountability partner!

Make sure your accountability partner keeps your feet under the fire for the next 3 months! There should be no lack in communication during this time. When your accountability partner is slacking, you tend to fall into the trap of distractions! You chose this individual because your depending on them to make sure you get the job done! When you feel a distraction coming, text or call, and allow them to help you manage those distractions/setbacks! For example, your job is having a holiday party, and you knowww it’s going to be loaded with holiday carbs. Call them up, to figure out a way for you to enjoy the party, but stay on track! Hopefully they will suggest things like, bring a healthy option, eat before you go, or give the party a healthy food theme!

Keep the communication consistent!

3rd Key Alert - Eliminate Distractions!

What’s getting in the way? Before you go into the next three months, start eliminating distractions. It could be certain items in your fridge, cabinets, and countertops. Your snack desk at work, or setbacks in your schedule. For me, I have to eliminate the dead time I have, and trade that in for more time working on my personal brand, and deep stretching. There are times where I use that dead time to scroll through social media, and just sit. Is that you too? I have to eliminate those habits, and trade that in for useful time, that will result in me reaching my goals!

Today, make a list of your distractions, and create a plan for trading those distractions in for something beneficial!

4th Key Alert - Are you bored?

Are you repeating the same workout or eating routine? Are you slacking off because of this? When I feel myself slacking off, I find new ways to move, grab a workout buddy, discover new recipes to try, or change eating patterns (i.e. intermittent fasting, vegan meals, etc.). For me, it keeps my fitness journey exciting! Joining new fitness meetups, pinning recipes on Pinterest, or trying new fitness classes, may do the trick! If you’re exercising alone, and it’s just not working out, have a consultation with a health professional, so they can help you in recreating a plan that will keep you on track for the next 3 months.

Download Pinterest for recipes, and the Mind&Body App to find new classes in your city!

5th Key Alert - Don’t Stress About It!

Guess what? It’s okay if you make a mistake. Mistakes happen! You can realign your goals, and be optimistic about it all! But do not stress about missing a workout, or eatting two slices of pie this season! Get back to that drawing board, get back to the gym, reflect on what caused you to make that mistake, and set new boundaries for yourself! To prevent a load of stress, again, make sure your goals are realistic for YOU! Not for your trainer, not for your friend, or social media! SET GOALS FOR YOU!! Make sure while you prepare for the next 3 months, that you don’t forget about the 80/20 rule of life!

80% = Stay focused and work hard on those goals!

20% = Enjoy life and stress less!

Now, every key doesn’t work for everyone, but these keys surely keep me on track! Comment below and let me know what helps you stay on track!

posted with love,

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