5 Tip Friday: A Jolly Fit Christmas


This time of year is one of my favorites because you get to enjoy your family and friends, eat your favorite holiday dish, and reflect on all the good times! But while we enjoy, we must also keep our health in mind. Studies show that excessive eating is the cause of additional weight gain. And around this time of year, people spend more time at the table, and less time being active!

Here are five tips that can help you find your balance for the holiday!

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Fill it Up, or Plan it Out!
You know the saying, "my eyes must've been bigger than my stomach." Well, don't let that be you! Before you pile your plate up with loads of food, take a moment to decide on what you really want to eat, and add healthier options on your plate. If you find it difficult to find a healthy option, either prepare your own healthy option to bring to the table, eat something before you go (to prevent overeating), or have smaller portion sizes. Goal: Don't eat until your full & and find balance on your plate!

Dump the couch...and walk it out!
It's very easy for us to feel fatigued post dinner time. But before you take that holiday nap, go for a walk to burn some of those calories! Be as active as you can during the holiday break! Commit to moving around for at least  20  to 30 minutes each day.

Game Time!
Playing an interactive family game is always fun! Games like charades, freeze dance, taboo, or anything that requires movement, is perfect! Many families take this route because it doesn't feel like exercise! Playing active games with your family is a healthy and fun way to move!

Do not stress...be jolly!
Now, for my readers that love to plan BIG for Christmas, do not stress about what you couldn't find for a gift, or what dish you couldn't make! It's okay! One thing that can ruin your holiday joy, is STRESS! If there is something that did not work out, don't worry! I'm sure you've already done enough to make it a great Christmas for all to enjoy! Just relax, sit back and enjoy the moments shared with others! Mental health is so important, and the smallest things that we stress over, can have an affect on us mentally.

Not too much bubbly!
Enjoy the alcoholic beverage, but monitor how much booze you drink! Along with our food, we want to make sure that we don't over do it! Balance those drinks out with some water, and non-alcoholic beverages in between!

Let's all have a Jolly FIT Christmas & New Year!


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